Glad I went with their more quiet option. Install was quite easy once the OEM was off. Removal of the OEM was the "hard" part. Did all without even lifting a stock height truck. Most annoying part was cutting the clamp off at the cat as the screw was rusted to heck (gotta love Michigan). If you end up needing to cut yours and you don't have a straight die grinder though you might be in for a bigger headache.
Tip for those looking to get (any) this exhaust though. Absolutely buy at least a cheap pair of hangers pliers for getting the stock exhaust off the hangers, and if you're not going to lift the vehicle to work on it or fuss with removing the spare tire or anything just cut the OEM a couple inches back from the muffler and it'll come right out easy (and be much easier to handle to store or get rid of).
Loud enough that a cold start in my garage made my wife jump in her seat with my door open, but quiet enough to feather my way out of the neighborhood at 6:30a.m. and not feel like a monster. Little drone at highway speeds over 70-75 or so but that is absolutely to be expected, especially with the exit closer to the cab now.
Barely been on 48 hours and I've had compliments, I doubt you'll be disappointed.